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Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Affiliation, Training And New PSTEC Tools

Welcome to this pre-release edition of the PSTEC Updates Newsletter for June 2010.
This time the newsletter is a little different. Because there is so much happening I have made it available to read on the PSTEC website as pages.
In this issue:
Why PSTEC is changing.
Become an affiliate for PSTEC: (Become an affiliate: 50% share)
Become a PSTEC Trainer (Become a trainer: 100% share)
3 new major PSTEC audios.
(1. PSTEC Cascade Release,
2. PSTEC Self Help Stop Smoking System,
3. PSTEC Accelerators)
When you check out the new website be sure to listen to some of the wonderful new stuff on there.

From now on you'll see the name Jeff Harding on the PSTEC Updates too. That's because Jeff is heading up many of the new initiatives to get PSTEC out to as many people as possible. I realised ages ago that I simply couldn't steer PSTEC without a little help so Jeff is taking over much of the support work.
That should leave me more time to develop the PSTEC materials and also to promote PSTEC itself, sand this should benefit all concerned.
Be sure to check out Jeff's great PSTEC related interviews (100% free by the way). They are a must listen and you'll find them in the affiliate resources section (see pstec affiliates above).