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Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Affiliation, Training And New PSTEC Tools

Welcome to this pre-release edition of the PSTEC Updates Newsletter for June 2010.
This time the newsletter is a little different. Because there is so much happening I have made it available to read on the PSTEC website as pages.
In this issue:
Why PSTEC is changing.
Become an affiliate for PSTEC: (Become an affiliate: 50% share)
Become a PSTEC Trainer (Become a trainer: 100% share)
3 new major PSTEC audios.
(1. PSTEC Cascade Release,
2. PSTEC Self Help Stop Smoking System,
3. PSTEC Accelerators)
When you check out the new website be sure to listen to some of the wonderful new stuff on there.

From now on you'll see the name Jeff Harding on the PSTEC Updates too. That's because Jeff is heading up many of the new initiatives to get PSTEC out to as many people as possible. I realised ages ago that I simply couldn't steer PSTEC without a little help so Jeff is taking over much of the support work.
That should leave me more time to develop the PSTEC materials and also to promote PSTEC itself, sand this should benefit all concerned.
Be sure to check out Jeff's great PSTEC related interviews (100% free by the way). They are a must listen and you'll find them in the affiliate resources section (see pstec affiliates above).

Friday, 18 June 2010

PSTEC Accelerator

This blog entry contains an offer of even more free PSTEC audio.

Over the last couple of months a huge number of PSTEC developments have been moving towards fruition. They will be announced very soon via PSTEC Updates and this blog.

For now though I must keep them secret but do watch out for them. They will create all kinds of opportunity for enhancing your therapy practice with PSTEC.

In the meantime though I do want to notify you of an offer of a major new PSTEC audio which any therapist who uses PSTEC can have absolutely for FREE.

What is it? Well, in about two weeks I will release a completely new tutorial/package which includes additional PSTEC tracks. This will be "The PSTEC Accelerator" audios.

The clue is in the title. It's purpose is to speed and enhance progress with any of the other PSTEC audio packages. It comprises an in depth tutorial and some very special PSTEC tracks.

Because so many of you have been so supportive and encouraging of PSTEC I am making this offer of yet another free audio package, much as I did with the smoking package when it was first released.

So in a couple of weeks I will be giving the entire PSTEC Accelerator package completely free to every single therapist who is listed as a member of The PSTEC Register. Why?

Some members of the register have been contacted within hours of being listed so I do know that it is very very useful to many users of PSTEC who are looking for guidance either in person or by phone.

And whilst the register is not mine, it is approved by me. For this reason I believe that the members of such a useful resource should be rewarded. Therefore if you are a member, you will get the accelerator audios for completely free.

(To be sure I don't miss you out, any member of the PSTEC Register who doesn't get a free copy of the PSTEC Accelerator by July 2nd 2010 should write to me and I'll get one sent out to you as soon after that date as I can)

Remember also to keep an eye out for the extremely important "PSTEC Updates" bulletin in the very near future. There will be more free stuff on the way.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

PSTEC Register and Certification

Once again I've been somewhat slow to blog but very busy all the same. Today sees the launch of a new and important step in the progression of PSTEC

Andy Eckley a PSTEC practitioner has taken on the task of creating and maintaining a searchable register of PSTEC practitioners. Up until now only therapists with websites had the means to make their availability known and this was of detriment to those without.

As of today though, any therapist who has studied the PSTEC level 1 or advanced training materials may apply to join the register.

Those trained in PSTEC may of course continue to use the "trained in" logos but some therapists have also requested the option to be formally certificated and to have something that they can show their clients on paper.

Therefore, for those who wish it, there is also the option to get certification by means of examination. (This is undertaken online) Those who are on the register and pass can of course also have this reflected in their register entry. At the time of launch the only available examination is level 1 but the advanced is also expected to go live within the next seven days.

His site now carries the status as being the official PSTEC Register.

My thanks to Andy for taking on this task. This is a major step forward for PSTEC and should be of benefit to all those involved with it. The cost of setting up the site has been quite considerable and so I extend my gratitude to Andy for all of his hard work in making this resource available.

The site has been approved by me, but it is not under my auspices. Therefore any questions relating to it should go directly to Andy. It can be visited at

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Did you know that PSTEc has a forum?

One thing that PSTEC has been missing, is somewhere for users to discuss their experiences with other users.

I am therefore grateful to Soie, (a watcher of this blog and also an advocate of PSTEC) for her kindness in creating such a facility.

She has created PSTECfans, It can be visited here at

There is a forum which is just waiting for you to use it.

Friday, 5 March 2010

PSTEC Updates for the last few weeks

Although the blog's been quiet this last month PSTEC has moved forward significantly.

February saw the arrival of the free PSTEC Updates which is another way for me to keep in touch with users and it's been a great way to ensure that people get the most out of the process.

The first month has seen around 500 people subscribe to the free updates and hopefully this number will rise as more people discover PSTEC for themselves.

The begining of February also saw the release of the PSTEC stop smoking system which has had excellent initial feedback.

As I approached the end of February I also started putting the finishing touches to PSTEC Advanced which will be released soon.

And as if that weren't enough, PSTEC is also moving closer to being able to offer proper certification for therapists. I haven't had time to undertake this myself because there is so much more PSTEC material still being worked on and many of these projects are absolutely huge.

After some initial discussion, Andy Eckley who is resident on the other side of the UK, looks set to be the contact for proper PSTEC certification. At the moment, PSTEC offers qualification by means of studying the PSTEC Level 1 audio. This will continue but in order to move PSTEC forward in a positive direction, any therapists who want it, will hopefully soon also be able to take a proper test in order to gain full certification by means of examination.

Andy also plans to offer a searchable database on which anyone practising PSTEC can be listed. This will be great especially for anyone without a website who wants to offer PSTEC either in person or coaching clients over the phone.

As soon as all of this is up and running, I'll post the details on the blog.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

More physical problems being resolved

Ever since the launch of PSTEC I've received reports of physical problems being resolved.

When I created PSTEC I never intended it to find any kind of use for pain control or indeed for other physical problems. Despite this, PSTEC does often seem to work.

I've had couple of emails about this in just the last couple of days. One for example from someone whose foot had been painful since an injury many years before. They applied PSTEC to the pain and the memory of the injury. They inform me that when they did this almost nstantly the pain disappeared.

What the PSTEC audio appears to demonstrate is that it's not only emotions which become attached to memories. So it seems can physical pains which can endure long after all the physical side is resolved. In such instances PSTEC appears to work very successfully, detaching the pain from the memory in exactly the same way as it does with emotions.

I'm still not advocating PSTEC for pain or for physical problems because I believe anyone suffering such problems should seek medical assistance but the results are certainly extremely interesting.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

PSTEC Stop Smoking System goes live

This is just a very quick note to any therapist readers of the blog. You may like to know that I have finally finished work on the PSTEC Stop Smoking System.

In some ways a system for successful smoking cessation is a complex undertaking especially when I have such a diverse range of potential users of the system.

There are some complimentary copies to give away though. If you have been particularly supportive of PSTEC or happen to have a website and are already advertising PSTEC Level 1 skills on there, then drop me a line and for now at least I'll send you a complimentary copy of the smoking cessation system.

Also nearly finished is an audio book, the title of which remains a closely guarded secret! That will be followed by the other audios which I mentioned a while back.

For anyone who's waiting on those other audios.... Rest assured, they are on the way. :)

Monday, 11 January 2010

Interesting Feedback

As more therapists discover PSTEC I continue to receive wonderful and varied reports. I wanted to publish one that I just received which clearly illustrates the wide variety of uses and just how good the results are when it is properly used. In this case the report comes from a talented and highly qualified therapist from Essex, Umesh Damania.

Umesh has studied PSTEC Level 1 and he is proving to be very adept with PSTEC.

"Hi Tim

Just to let you know that I had 5 clients in yesterday, and with 4 of them, I only used Pstec for the session.

* Lady with long standing anxiety that I’ve seen for over 15 sessions during the last 2 years. Round 1, sud 7 went to 3 and the thoughts were the same, but the feelings were diminished. Then round 2, sud 3 stayed at 3, the thoughts were still there, but could not bring up their feelings.

* Male client with sexual anxiety problems. Very analytical in nature. Seen him for a prolonged period with very little progress/ or shift in the anxiety. Started with working on these thoughts - Round 1 sud 9 to 4, round 2 sud 4 to 3 no feedback apart from confusion, round 3 worked on the anxiety, sud 10 to 2. Feedback was the "the tape made an amazing difference,
thank you so much"

* Newish client with extreme angry/violent issues. Round 1 sud 7 to 3, round 2 sud 3 to 1. Feedback, feels really silly about the outbursts, has small flashbacks, but cant seem to grab hold of them in his mind!

* Lady I’ve seen for 6 sessions regarding PSTD, panic attacks, anxiety. Worked in anxiousness. Round 1 sud 8 to 3, Round 2, sud 3 to 0. Feedback, can see the event still, but dissociated now, with no feelings. Confusion, like it’s happened to someone else.

So 4 very different cases and incredible results. Feels like the technique of choice now!

I’m going to see if I can work with it on weight loss clients somehow

Many thanks Tim, can’t wait to try it out on other stuff, as well as the smoking version one day!




If you are a therapist and you'd like to get these kinds of results then the PSTEC Level 1 audio will teach you how.

NB: the smoking cessation program should be ready for PSTEC therapists in a few weeks.

Friday, 8 January 2010

PSTEC In Spanish - follow up

On the 18th of December I reported the first us of PSTEC in Spanish. In the meantime Lou Ravelle (who worked with me on the translation) has used PSTEC with number of Spanish speakers and so far EVERY one appears to have been successful.

I promised to report follow up results for his first, (the young lady with a chronic fear of flying) and yesterday I received an email from Lou in Spain which I've attached below.

"HI Tim,

Just heard from the girl who flew to Madrid after having click track for fear of flying. She has just arrived back in Mallorca and had to phone me even though today is a very important fiesta. The return trip went even better than the outward bound one. She is over the moon and has booked for a weight loss session on Monday and recommended two more new clients for hypnosis.

It is good to see that PSTEC doesn't seem to have any language barrier


Lou Ravelle"

From a business perspective what's interesting is that by knowing how to properly conduct a PSTEC session (which in this case Lou did for free) he has got 3 bookings from paying clients.

Therapists who want to know how to use PSTEC properly with clients in this way should get and study PSTEC Level 1