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Tuesday, 9 February 2010

More physical problems being resolved

Ever since the launch of PSTEC I've received reports of physical problems being resolved.

When I created PSTEC I never intended it to find any kind of use for pain control or indeed for other physical problems. Despite this, PSTEC does often seem to work.

I've had couple of emails about this in just the last couple of days. One for example from someone whose foot had been painful since an injury many years before. They applied PSTEC to the pain and the memory of the injury. They inform me that when they did this almost nstantly the pain disappeared.

What the PSTEC audio appears to demonstrate is that it's not only emotions which become attached to memories. So it seems can physical pains which can endure long after all the physical side is resolved. In such instances PSTEC appears to work very successfully, detaching the pain from the memory in exactly the same way as it does with emotions.

I'm still not advocating PSTEC for pain or for physical problems because I believe anyone suffering such problems should seek medical assistance but the results are certainly extremely interesting.

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